Tag Archive | new year

Welcome to Grade 4, 2017

The Fabulous Fours would like to welcome you to our blog. We are looking forward to a wonderful year. This term we shall be going on a beach outing on Friday, 3 February. Parents are welcome to join us at Small Bay that morning. The children will be collecting blankets, pet food, pet toys, old towels and washing powder for the animals at the Animal Anti-Cruelty League which each class will visit in the weeks to come. The highlight of the term will be our camp at Simonsberg. We are looking forward to meeting all of you!

First Day of Grade 4 – 2015!

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Today was the new Grade 4’s first day of school at the Senior Primary. Each child was excited to start the new year in a new environment. The moms and dads were as excited as their children. The Grade 4 teachers wish the new Grade 4s all the best for the year ahead. It will be a year to remember!