Archive | March 2014

Clubs and Societies @ SP Campus

To end our FIRST term at the SP Campus, our children did various activities like Decoupage, Card Making, Charm Bracelets, Baking, Science Club, Art, Mosaicing, First Aid, Survival Club, Horse Riding. Township Tour, Dance, Photography, Outreach to Pebbles, Science Club and Sewing.

Our camp at Simonsberg

We had a fantastic three day camp at Simonsberg Christian Conference Centre near Stellenbosch.  The children were divided into four groups and participated in some very exciting activities, e.g. rafting, foofie sliding, doing a blindfold walk, playing ‘stalk the lantern’, swinging over a mud pool, etc.

Our visit to Giraffe House

The Grade 4s visited Giraffe House in Klapmuts.  They were introduced to some creepy crawly creatures e.g. a Burmese python, tarantula and a large bullfrog.  They met Jerry, the resident giraffe.