Partridge Camp 2017

The Pheasants and the Partridge classes had great fun on camp in Simonsberg. They experienced the outdoors and participated in various activities ranging from an obstacle course, puzzle pieces, mummy game with toilet paper, trust your partner blindfolded,  to rafting on the small dam. They all enjoyed a night hike and playing stalk the lantern. They came home exhausted and extremely dirty which clearly means they had a fantastic time with old and new friends. What a great group of children.


An exciting 7 days in the Pheasant class

The Pheasants have had a crazy-busy 7 days. Starting last week Friday we had the opportunity to go to the beach and bond with our new friends, as well as spend some time splashing about in the ‘not-so-warm’ water. Thank you to the parents who also joined us and took advantage of the opportunity to grow our Elkanah community. Some moms even braved the waters for a swim. Well done.

On Monday we visited the Animal Anti-Cruelty League where we leaned how important it is to look after our pets properly. We also learned about “living beyond self” by giving very generous donations of food and blankets to this worthy cause.

On Tuesday this week we introduced the iPads into our classes. The children have joined the various Google Classrooms, which will be one of the main avenues of disseminating and collecting tasks. This week we started exploring some of the apps as well as practicing our tables using some fun maths websites.


We look forward to more fun as the year progresses.





Loving beyond Self @ AACL

Tatum Walsh Clevely wrote: My life now is pretty exciting, because when we went to the AACL yesterday, I saw a kitten. I really liked it so much. I went home and told my dad about it and my dad said yes! My cousin is getting the kitten and I’m getting a puppy.  (First image on right)

Saving Fred

The Grade 4s have had their first two lessons in a new learning area – Design and Technology!  There is much excitement about what this lesson can hold every week and they are dying to get stuck into their first project.  Before this can happen they had a taste of some of the skills they would be developing and using whilst in a Design and Tech lesson – problem-solving, critical thinking, compromising, clear communication, analysing and evaluating to name a few – whilst saving Fred.  Who is this you ask?

Fred is a worm who does not enjoy following rules and it often gets him in trouble.  This time he went canoeing without a life jacket on and his canoe capsized!  Fred is left stranded on top of his canoe with the life jacket inside it.  The Grade 4s had to help him into his life jacket and then into the canoe using only four paper clips – no hands allowed!  Needless to say the classroom was buzzing with strategies being decided on, levels of tenacity being tested and of course cries of excitement when Fred was saved.

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Welcome to Grade 4, 2017

The Fabulous Fours would like to welcome you to our blog. We are looking forward to a wonderful year. This term we shall be going on a beach outing on Friday, 3 February. Parents are welcome to join us at Small Bay that morning. The children will be collecting blankets, pet food, pet toys, old towels and washing powder for the animals at the Animal Anti-Cruelty League which each class will visit in the weeks to come. The highlight of the term will be our camp at Simonsberg. We are looking forward to meeting all of you!

A final goodbye to 2016!

What a wonderful year it has been!  We are so sad to say goodbye to our students of 2016. We wish them a wonderful holiday and a blessed Christmas. A huge thank you to the parents for being so supportive this year.

Learning to work in groups

Today was the start of a new term and new groups for the Guinea Fowl class. We played a few games to help us get to know each other and to work collaboratively. The first exercise was to build a pyramid using six cups, an elastic band and pieces of string. The children were not allowed to touch the cups with their hands.  They had to use the elastic band and the string.

Our second activity involved using 20 pieces of spaghetti, 5 large marshmallows and some cellotape. The idea was to build the tallest structure possible that could stand on its own. The tallest structure was built by Matthew, Dylan and Liam D. It was 95 cm tall.

Our third activity was playing a card game called Flip Three. It is a type of memory game but the cards have to make a sum. The child who ends up with the most cards wins the game.